Traksis Lite is a simple interface for reporting, logging and actioning maintenance and other requests from staff and clients. Requests can be logged using either a web browser or through a mobile device using Traksis OnSite.
Requests can be logged against a Site and Sub-Site, e.g. First Floor — Male Toilets, and as well as a written description single or multiple files can be attached.
When a request has been submitted it appears on an administrator’s view of Queued Job Requests as an Open Request. Each request is given a unique reference number for the Site to which it relates and the date and time it was logged is recorded and displayed. The administrator can now review the request, reply to the user who raised it, add notes, reject the request and complete the request. All of these actions are recorded against the request for future reporting and analysis.
An administrator can send a reply, or multiple replies, to the user who raised the request to request further information, advise them what action is going to be, or has been, taken etc. Replies are notified to the requester via email and are saved against the request. The administrator can also add notes against the request that are not sent as replies. For both replies and notes files can also be attached as required.
Once a request has been actioned, i.e. completed or rejected, it is moved to the Actioned Requests tab. An administrator can still send a reply, or multiple replies, to the user who raised the request, or add notes. Replies are notified to the requester via email and are saved against the request. The administrator can also reopen a rejected or completed request should the need arise.
To download the Traksis Lite Information Sheet click here.